Category Archives: Weekend Schedule

Weekend Schedule- 12/13


Chicharito praying for playing time

Its that time of the week, where we set our alarm clocks for odd kickoff times and look for (illegal?) online streams. Look below for the game times and some notes from the week. Let us know what you think in the comments.

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Weekend Schedule – 12/06


Vela during his hat trick

Another weekend of club soccer is upon us. Let’s see the schedule for our Europeos and some notes from the last week in Mexican soccer. Sound off in the comments about this weekend’s games or anything else going on in Mexican soccer.

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Weekend Schedule – 11/22

Mexico had a Jekyll & Hyde international break but the national team is now done for 2014. The focus returns to club soccer this weekend. Lets see who is playing at what time…

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Weekend Schedule- 11/08

The weekend is upon us and that means club soccer. Below are some notes about games featuring Mexicans abroad. Sound off in the comments

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Weekend Schedule- 10/18

El Brody

It was Jorge Campos’ birthday this past week (10/15) and he is my Compadre de la Semana. Now on to the club games this weekend…


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