Category Archives: NBA

The Last Dance, Episodes 3 & 4

The Worm

This week saw the release of Episodes 3 and 4 of The Last Dance AKA the Dennis Rodman and Phil Jackson Episodes. Anytime Dennis is involved, there is bound to be some shenanigans. His episode did not fail to deliver and I loved how the episode ended. While Phil’s episode gave you insight in how Phil managed players and why players loved playing for him.

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The Last Dance, Episodes 1 & 2

After a couple years of anticipation, ESPN’s 10 part series on the 1997-1998 Chicago Bulls has arrived. It was moved up to April after being originally set to air during the NBA Finals. All I have to say is: thank you. There has been no new sports content in weeks and what better way to end the drought than with the greatest NBA dynasty. Am I biased? Of course. Like Obama, I was also a resident of Chicago during this run. I remember watching MJ’s fadeaways, Pippen’s dunks, Phil whistling from the bench and of course, Rodman’s color changing cups from McDonalds. I had high hopes when this documentary series was announced. Did it deliver?

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NBA Draft- GarPax Edition

LaMarcus? Naw lets trade for Tyrus Thomas..

Draft night is the unofficial start to the new season and as a Bulls fan, its been the high point of our season for the last couple of years. Lets see if I can blog past the lottery.

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